The Little Miss – Kindergarten Champion

She did it, folks.  She survived both her kindergarten year and her first year of homeschooling under Teacher Mama

…and learned a whole darn lot in the process.

And I did it, folks.  I survived the first (often difficult, definitely entertaining) year teaching homeschool.  Admittedly, I feel a lot like this right now…

But I’m so glad and thankful for the educational path that we have chosen.  God is so much wiser than I am (shocker), and He knew this was the right way for us to go…both for the Little Miss, and for our family.

And with God’s help (and a whole lotta wine and ice cream), WE MADE IT TO SUMMER BREAK!!!

So here’s a look back at our last 5 months of school.


Reading & Literature

What better place to read great literature than outside, with a cup of hot cocoa in hand?


First book by the Little Authoress.

Part biblical critique, part cookbook…the possibilities are endless!

Arts & Crafts


in our very own Outdoor Cafeteria


In a troop full of Girl Scout-Homeschool-Superstars it’s hard not to feel confident!


Earning her Butterfly Badge…Little Bros in tow.

They’re good company.


Gymnastics Class

For a girl who loves to wiggle (and TALK!), I can’t imagine a better class or instructor.  Coach Andrew is one of our faves!

Spring Soccer

What with buying a new home and putting our current home on the market this spring, we only made it to one game.  Sigh.  But the Lil Miss still had a blast practicing with her team!  She dreams of being a world class Goalie.  Mostly, I think, because it affords her the most opportunities to sing and twirl.

Put on your game face!


We hit the gold mine when we joined the South Durham CC community.  It’s a group chock-full of families who love Jesus, who are devoted to their kids, and who want to care and support each other as we travel this crazy (exhausting) homeschool journey together.  We are so thankful for all of the friends and adventures we have enjoyed (and will continue to enjoy) with this group!

Building a structure for the egg drop

The Lil Miss and her Engineering Partner (Severus)

Success!  The egg survived!

CC Field trip to the NC Zoo

(a.k.a. How Much can a Mama Sweat in One Day?)

CC Field trip to the NC Art Museum

This place is A-MA-ZING.

The volunteer guide kept her cadre of Little Pupils captivated the ENTIRE visit.  She was so engaging and attentive.  It’s awesome to watch kids’ interest soar when they are shepherded by a passionate teacher!

It was the same for me back in the day when I was taught by Mr. Bob Engberg.  Great teachers are such treasures!

CC Field trip to Stagville Plantation

Using archaeological clues to learn about the lives and struggles of the slaves who once occupied the largest plantation in all of North Carolina

The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character – that is the goal of true education.

Rarely do we find men who willingly engage in hard, solid thinking. There is an almost universal quest for easy answers and half-baked solutions. Nothing pains some people more than having to think.

I have the audacity to believe that peoples everywhere can have three meals a day for their bodies, education and culture for their minds, and dignity, equality, and freedom for their spirits.

– Quotes from Martin Luther King Jr.


For the Little Sir, who is THREE!

Cute as a button
Silly as can be
My darling Little Sir
I can’t believe you’re THREE!

You are clever, smart and thoughtful
And always so aware
Even though you still refuse
To try out Big Boy underwear.

You always make us laugh
You’re full of so much joy
And with a dash of sass and wit
You’re definitely a Daddy’s Boy.

Your blue eyes so expressive
As you ponder the world around
You’re quiet and serene till you’re not
Then look out! Your words abound!

Romping through the woods
Armed with swords, buckets and rainboots
You and your beloved siblings
Are always in cahoots.

Oh my sweet Little William
How I love to watch you grow
I’ll always be your greatest fan
Wherever you may go.

But now don’t be in a hurry
My heart can’t take it, you see.
For no matter how big you grow
My Baby you will always be.


Little Sir William!

3 Year Old Stats:
– Height: 95.9cm (58%)
– Weight: 31lb 12.8oz (44%)


The Little Miss & Little Mister’s Birthday Bash ~ 2016!

If you’ve read much of this blog you know that our family is BIG into celebrating.  Simply put, we are REVELERS.  And so for holidays, anniversaries, birthdays, baby-just-pooped-in-the-potty days, I-just-barely-survived-till-5:00 days, you name it…we’ll throw a party.

In our typical confetti-crazed fashion, when the Little Mister and Little Missy’s birthdays came on the horizon we rolled up our sleeves and got to work (i.e., I baked and shopped and planned and created all sorts of neat-o excel spreadsheets, and Mike just shook his head in bewilderment and got ready to carry the bags).

After 6 years “in the biz” (the parenting biz, that is) we’ve got this birthday party stuff down to a science.  So let me break it down for you in 10 easy steps…

1) Grab some children.
Preferably those who are related to you.
And those who’ve actually turned a year older recently.  Cause you know, gotta be legit and all (there are presents at stake!!!).


2) Lure in some obliging grandparents.
The key here is to emphasize how the day will be full of hugs, cake, and “heartwarming milestone moments.”  They’re suckers for that cheesy stuff!  And you don’t want to scare them off with the reality of the noise and crazy that’s about to ensue…and the many, many ways that you are going to ask them to help.



3) Toss said party-goers into a room full of bounce houses and games.
The bigger, the bouncier, the better.



4) Invite some super fun pals.
Now don’t get soft on me here.  We’re talking a LOT of pals…25 at least.  Plus some babies for good measure!


5) Turn up the music.
Like, WAY up.  Can you still hear yourself think?  Yes?  Okay, then crank it up some more.

6) Then let ’em loose!
Make sure to shove your husband into the mix for all of the jumping, bouncing, crashing fun.  Because somebody’s gotta do the heavy lifting!  And because after having three children yourself, well, you joining in just ain’t gonna happen.




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7) When you notice your large cadre of Merry-Makers has burned off their energy and are about to keel over from exhaustion…


8) Line ’em up and send ’em out…to the Party Room that is!



9) And then in the Party Room, with the smell of sweat and excitement wafting pungently through the air, you can ring in the new (birth) year for your beloved kiddos…



…and fill the masses with CAKE!
Three kinds of cake, all homemade.  Because I’ve never been one to show restraint…especially when it comes to dessert.


But, of course, remember to serve said cake in a place where someone else does all of the set-up, cake cutting, serving, and clean-up.  Ugh, especially the clean-up.  Because you’re brilliant like that.


And then party till the cows come home!  Or until they kick you out because another party is comin’ through…whichever comes first.






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10) Saunter out to the car and pat yourself on the back for a birthday party well done.  
You are amazing.  A champion, even.


And these crazy monkeys are totally worth it.

